Tweets of the Week
- To all you amazing moms, who hug your kids, who had to let go too early, who courageously gather us into family… <3 Thank you! 2011-05-08
- @reederapp for mac got a great upgrade, but the scroll bar in lists is still broken… very sad… no paging up and down lists possible 2011-05-08
- Finally! Colors in Google Calendar! Now I can stop with the silly extra calendars. #fb 2011-05-09
- Microsoft buys Skype and I lose hope that the Skype interface will be fixed any time soon. Sigh. 2011-05-10
- Hard for me to stop looking at Vienna this morning… …Keith also took some great Austria pics 2011-05-10
- Great list of Austria hits and misses… 2011-05-10
- Mostly Minnesota … now if only we could have the "most functional government"! 2011-05-10
- NYT Cascade, a very cool visualizaiton of social media (ok, well, twitter) conversations over time… 2011-05-10
- OK, no more sitting at my desk! Just set it up so I must stand. #fb 2011-05-11
- Glad to see declining support for ban on same-sex marriage in MN …just wish the legislature would get the message! 2011-05-13
- Woohoo! I finished a report I've been working on for weeks, and now get to go pick A up from school. Summer begins! 2011-05-13
- Awaiting Peter Pan at Logan so that I can go to a hole in the woods to catch a boat. #fb 2011-05-14