One of the commitments the IT Council has made is to revise our Libraries privacy policy before the next school year begins. An overcommitted Sue Hallgren is leading this effort for the IT Council. I attended a CNI session on Security and Privacy to try to gather info for Sue and the small group working with her on this. SPEC Kits 277 and 278 came up again in this context, and 278 looks particularly helpful for developing a refreshed policy. A few tools were also mentioned that we might want to peek at, though I’m not sure any of them are actually appropriate for our context. Check out the privacy proxy they mentioned, and the public workstation privacy info and tool mentioned.
Random thought… Could we cut off much of the unwanted workstation traffic by limiting Public Browser in a new way? What would happen if public browser refused to allow more than 100 characters in any text field of any form? Would that be enough to kill use for email, but still allow research use?