- How can you use a "fair use" defense if you are never sued? http://t.co/xdbpUfE9 …UMG kills bad lip reading parody… #fb 2011-10-23
- Wow, etherial or monolithic… http://t.co/1cD88szQ …this church can be both. #fb 2011-10-23
- A few minutes before midnight and Isaacson's book just arrived in my iBook library. I guess Steve will keep me awake for a while! #fb 2011-10-24
- An unsparing glimpse at what Jobs hath wrought… http://t.co/Me89Y9FY …how do I reconcile this with the magic? Yes, Virginia… #fb 2011-10-25
- Over and over again… http://t.co/yJ4IQiwo …once more into the DMCA breach to argue for cracks of sanity in an IP obsessed world. #fb 2011-10-25
- A free visiual thesaurus… http://t.co/rq0vnzMf …GraphWords can be fun, maybe even helpful. #fb 2011-10-25
- A nice review of SJ… http://t.co/nsNLUapQ …I just finished the book and recommend it as a very thorough portrayal of a complex man. #fb 2011-10-26
- Insightful analysis of Apple's willingness to cannibalize itself, to put product before profit, under SJ… http://t.co/NMGDmm8v #fb 2011-10-26
- What are we willing to risk in the name of property? http://t.co/J6KmIDUE No judge, no court, no choice but to kill payments and ads. #fb 2011-10-26
- Impressive data on Android orphans… http://t.co/WEGAGwhv …demonstrates an advantage of Apple's tightly coupled iPhone model. #fb 2011-10-27
- How long will it take studios to move DVD produciton offshore (if it isn't already) to stop "first use" resales? http://t.co/mNU0X1ip #fb 2011-10-27
- languages of twitter… http://t.co/YCYOToKh …a beautiful map #fb 2011-10-27
- Love the way http://t.co/Lyf4lpvE re-imagines the resume! #fb 2011-10-27
- I had some fun with http://t.co/85HmM1kQ today. Easy and fun to build from scratch or use LinkedIn as foundation. Wish it had SSL. #fb 2011-10-27
- Indian "slumdog millionaire" (for real)… http://t.co/gSACholS …wants to build a library! #fb 2011-10-27