- There Once Was a White Whale Who Tried to Speak to Humans… and we persist in thinking we are so different. #fb http://t.co/VuOrkRtv 2012-10-22
- Creativity is born of constraints… or shit crayons. #fb http://t.co/8bzOBJHe 2012-10-22
- Google's Street View Sherpas, now this looks like a fun job, and one that would keep you healthy to boot! #fb http://t.co/veomL3J5 2012-10-24
- Terms of Service; Didn't Read: an important project that may actually have an impact on those obnoxious TOS! #fb http://t.co/3cvAF799 2012-10-24
- Enjoying #Letterpress, a new iOS word game! #fb http://t.co/M0kWexJo 2012-10-25
- Falsifying boarding passes has always been trivial, but now it can get you a lighter security screen… http://t.co/u6fO6Zo2 …oops! #fb 2012-10-25
- Yurks! The first real snowflakes of the year are falling outside! #fb 2012-10-25
- Not the typical Camille Paglia essay. At least not what I expected as she addresses the father of Darth and Luke! http://t.co/NaMV3IpU #f 2012-10-27