- Credit hour value questioned almost since its inception. (ht Phil Long) http://t.co/Zn6hfdRItR 2013-04-20
- The error of austerity. http://t.co/Ajtj3Vk8Oy 2013-04-20
- The Guardian publishes a defense of open access on the grounds of academic freedom. http://t.co/y8ZLk426G7 2013-04-22
- FB: Rain just turned to snow in Saint Paul. Expecting another 4 to 8 inches. I sincerely hope this is the last rain to snow of the season! 2013-04-22
- Mainstream coverage of open access science. Nice to see the attention. http://t.co/a2nhkRS9Lc 2013-04-24
- FB: Really enjoying Alex's presentation on peer mediation at Avalon. Cool to see how students can help manage disputes in their own envir… 2013-04-24