We will need metadata for the MDL+Flickr project as well as image data. We've decided to grab the metadata from OAI, since Reflections already runs an OAI server.
MDL Reflections OAI is at http://reflections.mndigital.org/cgi-bin/oai.exe?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=oai_dc
With "set=jhs" it just gets JHSUM records...
To get just one record, use its identifier, in this case "identifier=oai:reflections.mndigital.org:jhs/71"
Remember, all results in XML.
First demonstration
This is my first demonstration of how such retrieval can work.
Getting everything
Listing only the identifiers...
This is a really fast and easy way to grab the metadata for a Reflections object. Should I be using this for the SSR as well? One issue may be accommodating complex objects.