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Minnesota Digital Library

I first worked on the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) project when I was at the U of M Libraries. Our first product was the Minnesota Reflections project, a gathering of historical images and documents from around the state. I may continue to do some work with the project, these are some notes for the MDL. If you attended the October 2009 CONTENTdm users group meeting, you may be looking for these notes.

Starting with the social side of Reflections. Now in production. Here is some documentation and a few notes.

MDL HomePage ActionsFY2009 Authorization Batch CDM CONTENTdmStats CSETest CSETestForm ComplexExamples ContentDM DMBridge Examples FY2011 Flickr Flickr2009 FlickrTest FlickrUploading FrameInside FrameOutside Homework ImageIngestPrototype ImagePreservationDraft ImagePreservationNeeds ImagePreservationOptions ImagePreservationOptionsDraft ImagePreservationPrototype ImagePreservationPrototypeReport ImagePreservationReport ImagePreservationWorkPlan ImageRetrieval JavaScript Log MDLHTAtCNI MDLHTAtLTC2011 MFReadme MFStatistics MinnesotaReflections Navbar OAIRetrievalAndXMLParsing ReflectionsReview SSREvolution SSRPresents Sidebar Social Social2 Social2Notes Social2b SocialEarly2009 SocialEarly2009Report SocialFY2010 SocialLate2008 SocialReport Update080512 WAS WAS2 WASNotes WASPrototype WideAreaSearch